I would like to give you an overview of which contacts and telephone numbers may be important for your trip to Namibia.
If you have a local sim card, you do not need to dial an area code. Otherwise you dial the area code +264 from your local sim card.
The cities also have an area code. The most important ones are:
Windhoek 061, Swakopmund 064, Otjiwarongo 067, Katima Murilo 066.
General Emergency / Police: 10111, 999 or 112
Emergency Services Windhoek: 061 211 111
Ambulance nationwide: 10177
Fire brigade nationwide: 998
Emergency call:
When an ambulance is called, in most cases the credit card is charged before the ambulance leaves to ensure that there is enough money on the card.
Emergency Rescue 24: 084 124
Touristpolice department Windhoek: 061 2902239
eMed Rescue: 061 411 600 | 081 924 | 083 924 Aeromed: 0(61)249 777 / 230 505 MedRescue: 0(61) 230 505/6/7
Medi-Clinic Windhoek: 061 433 1000 Roman Catholic Hospital: 061 270 2227
Medi-Clinic Swakopmund: 064 412 200
State hospital Lüderitz: 063 202 446
Medi-Clinic Otjiwarongo: 067 303 734
Enkehaus Medical Centre Katima Mulilo: 066 254 071
Emergency numbers for vehicle accidents:
The most important thing in such a case is to call the vehicle rental company! They should always hire the necessary companies, as tourists usually have to pay more and it only leads to problems later on.
AA 24/7 Emergency Towing Service Line: 081 218 4552/085 255 5500 Namibia 24 Road Assistance: 081 148 7812 Road Guard Emergency: 0(61) 210 780
Emergency numbers of different Embassies:
US Embassy: In case of an emergency during normal office hours, please call +264 (61) 295-8500.
UK Embassy: urgent help (for example, you’ve been attacked, arrested or someone has died)call +264 61 274800
French Embassy: +264 61 27 67 00
Spanish Embassy: (+264) 61 22 30 66 or (+264) 61 22 40 38
Finnish Embassy: +264 61 221 355 or 24/7 service +358 9 1605 5555
Here you can find find a PDF of the Namibia Travel & Tourism Forum to download: